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Audit outcomes for April-June 2024

At Babytobreast Ltd, we prioritise the safety and inclusivity of our services. We understand the importance of maintaining high standards of practice, which is why we conduct regular audits of our outcomes. Our ultimate objective is to provide exceptional care and support to all our families, and we remain dedicated to achieving this goal.


How were babies feeding at the time of appointment

Given that the NHS prefer to only treat babies who are breast feeding it is noted that still a significant number accessed services at Babytobreast, mostly due to failing to meet the criteria of restrictive growth. Unsurprisingly parents tend to ensure babies get enough nutrition and adapt feeding accordingly.


Percentage of babies offered surgery based on clinical assessment of function

It is essential that your baby is asset both visually and functionally to ensure that any significant restriction is diagnosed. Most health care professionals simply assess on the visual. A through assessment ensure only babies who ethically meet the criteria are offered surgery. Occasionally parents will decline surgery and do a 'wait and see approach'. 


Types of palate in babies

Over time assessment at Babytobreast has evolved to inspect the palate as a significant elevation of the palate can impact on outcomes. It is vital parents make an informed choice.


How babies feed post surgery

It is useful to monitor immediate outcomes post surgery and ensure families expectations are managed, as improvement may take a few weeks to fully evolve.


Visual types released

This demonstrates that a significant number of babies are not offered corrective surgery in the NHS. Posterior tongue ties impact on function and to ignore them can lead to difficulties for both mother and baby.



Babytobreast monitors diversity to ensure all families are included in the services provided. 

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Registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council
Regulated by the Care Quality Commission
Insured by Aviva for Employers Liability Insurance
Insured by Hiscox for Professional Indemnity Insurance

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