T's and C's and Privacy Policy
Uvjeti i odredbe
Uvjeti i odredbe za kliničku rezervaciju
Uvijek mi je drago pomoći svojim klijentima kad god mogu. Ovaj dokument daje detalje o mojim uvjetima korištenja usluge. Međutim, ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja ili vam je potrebno pojašnjenje, kontaktirajte me i rado ću vam pomoći.
Imajte na umu da su bilo koje informacije pružene putem bilo kojeg dijela web mjesta samo u informativne svrhe i ne predstavljaju profesionalni savjet. Nijedan profesionalni savjet ne može se dati bez kliničkog savjetovanja.
Obrasci pristanka
Moje klinike zahtijevaju ispunjavanje pismenog obrasca za pristanak. To je u svrhu objašnjenja klinike, njege i svih rizika prije nego što se provode savjeti ili liječenje.
Moje klinike ne vode sustav kreditnih računa i zahtijevam da se naknade podmiruju na sastanku na kojem se pruža liječenje.
Ne prihvaćam nikakva plaćanja čekom. Prihvaćaju se gotovina ili kartice.
Kasno otkazivanje ili propušteni sastanci
Pridržavam pravo naplatiti naknadu za otkazivanje u iznosu od 100 GBP u slučaju propuštenog termina u klinici ili 20 GBP za propušteni virtualni sastanak ili ako je dana obavijest kraća od 4 sata. Nazovite me da razgovaram o okolnostima koje su izvan vaše kontrole i spriječim vaše prisustvo. Rado ću preurediti vaš sastanak i zadržati pravo naplate pune naknade ako drugi termin bude otkazan.
Kasni na sastanke
Razumijem da neki klijenti putuju na velike udaljenosti da bi stigli do klinike, a u nekim slučajevima kašnjenje na sastanke može biti neizbježno. Ako kasnite više od 15 minuta, imajte na umu da će se od vas možda zatražiti da zakažete svoj termin i naplatit ćete naknadu u iznosu od 100 GBP u potpunosti iskoristivu za troškove bilo kojeg budućeg sastanka.
Osobni podatci
Vrlo je važno dati cjelokupnu povijest bolesti, detalje o bilo kojem lijeku koji uzimate i podijeliti sve informacije koje mogu utjecati na plan njege vaše bebe.
Dobit će se usmena dozvola za fotografiranje vaše bebe, prije i poslije postupka, koja će se zadržati u bebinim bilješkama. Molimo vas da na usmeni zahtjev odbijete vrijeme savjetovanja ako se ne slažete.
Upotreba podataka za kontakt s pacijentom
Volim podsjećati svoje klijente na dogovorene termine, termine i druge važne podsjetnike. U ovoj napomeni, klinika vas može povremeno kontaktirati telefonom, tekstom ili e-poštom. Dopuštenje će se dobiti tijekom sastanka za odabir vašeg kontakta.
Politika prigovora
Uvijek vrlo ozbiljno shvatam pritužbe na bilo koji aspekt svojih usluga kako bih osigurao da svaki pacijent u svakom trenutku ima samo najbolje iskustvo.
Prigovor može podnijeti pismeno ili putem e-pošte putem obrasca za kontakt na mojoj internetskoj stranici, od strane pacijenta ili ovlaštene osobe u ime klijenta. Prigovori bi trebali biti jasni, tako da se s njima može učinkovito rješavati.
Svaka žalba primit će pismenu potvrdu / potvrdu putem e-pošte, a ja ću se truditi riješiti je u kratkom, razumnom roku (obično oko 2 tjedna).
Zakon o zaštiti podataka
Sve osobne podatke o pacijentu čuvam na sigurnom računalnom sustavu u skladu sa Zakonom o zaštiti podataka. Sve kliničke bilješke i dalje su vlasništvo Suzanne Barber. Kopije bilješki mogu se dobiti na zahtjev.
Privacy Policy
Babytobreast Ltd is registered with the Information Commissioners Office and in accordance with the new guide to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) due to come into place in May 2018 steps have been taken to further improve the information you have shared with me during consultations.
Additionally, as a member of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) working as a Registered Midwife I am required to maintain professional standards in all areas of my practice which includes record keeping and the safe storage of my documents. This is clearly covered in the NMC Code of Professional Standards and Behaviour for Nurses and Midwives.
To explain a bit more here are my responses to the GDPR guidelines:
• What information is being collected?
In discussion with families about their feeding issues I am privileged to hear details about you and your baby's health, birthing and feeding experience.
I also receive personal information about you/your baby including date of birth, address, phone numbers, email address, NHS Numbers GP details etc.
When providing services I request that clients complete a comprehensive Health Questionnaire and Consent Form before the first treatment. This is updated as needed on future sessions.
I have an on-line system for feedback on my services.
•What if parents/ clients notice there are inaccuracies in the documentation?
If you notice there are any inaccuracies in my documentation, please do contact me at your earliest opportunity on suzanne@babytobreast.com so that I can rectify the detail and send you the updated records.
•Can parents request a copy of the details stored?
You can request to see any detail that I hold about you and your baby. However, remember that as routine I will be writing in your baby's Red Book. It is important that you bring this book with you.
• Who is collecting it?
As I work on my own, it will only be me taking details of your comprehensive history. I have a call centre answering my mobile should you call during clinic hours and I will respond to any text.
• How is it collected?
In discussion with families about their feeding issues I will write in your baby's Personal Child Health Record (Red Book) or, if not available during the consultation, provide a separate page for you to insert into the book.
Additionally, I create:
an electronic set of notes for home visits and ongoing communications,
if I send you electronic information your email address will be on my email account,
following telephone calls or texts your telephone numbers will be saved on my mobile.
• Why is it being collected?
For my professional requirements as a member of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) working as a Registered Midwife in accordance with the NMC Code of Professional Standards and Behaviour For Nurses and Midwives.
For ongoing continuity of care,
• in support of our discussions.
• to aid recall for you as the parents and me as your supporter.
• How will it be used?
Your information will be used in the ongoing care of your current and future baby's care.
Your information will not be shared with anyone without your knowledge or sold on to any other businesses.
The exception to this will be if I have any concerns about the safety of your baby or children or for inspection by the Care Quality Commission for business regulation. Under these circumstances I would be professionally and legally obligated to share relevant information with appropriate agencies without your consent.
Each year I collate statistics on the number of visits, type of feeding situations, comparison of age, sex of baby and feeding outcomes. The information will be lifted from your notes but collated anonymously for my audit purposes.
• How will it be stored?
Electronic notes are kept through a web based clinical notes system called Jane.
NB Notes related to care of babies will be kept for a minimum of 7 years
My mobile is protected by password and face recognition.
• Who will it be shared with?
As parents, you will retain your baby's Red Book so have all the information at your fingertips and you can share with any family members or professionals in your care.
In respect of the confidentiality of our conversations, please do not share direct exerts of your notes on social media sites without first discussing with me. If I have any concerns about the safety of your baby or children I would be professionally and legally obligated to share relevant information with appropriate agencies without your consent.
The consent form gives me permission to:
• Liaise with health professionals as needed.
If I have gained permission from you to take a picture of you and/or your baby this will be for training and professional use only and may appear on my website, in training presentations or on my resources with your explicit consent only
Your feedback with will not automatically appear on the feedback section on my website but google reviews will be published on submission, subject to meeting Google standards.
• What will be the effect of this on the individuals concerned?
I am hoping that rather than cause concern, my documentation will provide continuity and transparency of care for you as parents.
If you have any concerns about my documentation practice or indeed have any suggestions as to how I can improve my systems, please do not hesitate to email me on suzanne@babytobreast.com
Links on Babytobreast website.
Please note this privacy notice only covers my website and does not cover all sites that can be linked to or accessed from this site. Therefore, please be aware when you are moving to another site to read the privacy statement on that site too.
This includes if I were to recommend a site to read for your information which I may send you via email or text, but also if you choose to 'like' or join any related social media pages.
More information can be found at:
Information Commissioners Office.
General Data Protection Regulation.
NMC Code of Professional Standards and Behaviour For Nurses and Midwives.